More than ever, the marketing space is content-driven. Content can be anything like videos, pictures, infographics and audio.
Although many people are obsessed about content creation, only few actually understands content marketing. Content creation is not the same as content marketing.
If you sell on social media, you must understand that only 3 percent of people who come on social media are in ‘buying mode’. Most people who come online either stroll through the internet or come to get information.
Majority of the organic audiences you have on social media are not immediate buyers. They are either there to interact, window shop or while away time to get information.
The problem is that most online sellers treat everyone online like the 3 percent who are ready to buy now. Stop expecting them to patronize you instantly.
To reach the 97 percent who are not ready to buy now (but could be very soon), you have to educate them. The more they know, the more likely they are to buy.
If you want to shift many of the 97 percent of prospects from ‘not buying right now’ or ‘not even thinking about it’ to becoming customers right away, educate them so they know more about the process of solving their problems and they are empowered to make a better buying decision.
To do this, your message must be powerful, insightful and education-based. This is all content marketing entails. Content marketing involves using content strategically to provide solutions to problems your audience have.
While a sales copy delights the reader so that they can take action, content marketing informs, educates and engages the reader.
The essence of content marketing is to segment your target audience and engage them in order to convert them into buying customers.
Rather than constantly annoying your audience with adverts, content marketing helps you to craft contents that talks about topics which interests your audience.
Plan your content. Tweak your content. Be creative with your content. Keep it simple and interesting.
Stay away from big grammars and terminologies. Story telling is the best and easiest form of content marketing. If you are too busy, hire a content marketer.
There are ten reasons your business needs content marketing.
- More sales. More Customers. More Money
The whole strategy of marketing is focused on getting more sales, more customers and consequently make more money.
When you look at the ROI of content marketing compared to other forms of marketing, you would see why everyone is obsessed about content marketing.
Content marketing has proven to be a very profitable and effective marketing strategy.
There are several customers roaming about in the cyberspace, it is content marketing that pulls them closer to you and converts them to loyal customers.
There are many people that did not know that your business exists. The only way to reveal your presence to them is to create contents that resonates with their needs.
2. It is cheaper
When you think about the cost of marketing via contents, it is relatively cheaper than other forms. This is not to say that content marketing is very cheap. No!
When you quantify the time and effort invested in content marketing, it is not as cheap as you think. Mind you, you are sharing your experience and knowledge in your niche. Content marketing is a worthy investment.
3. It builds Relationship
One way to build relationship with your target audience is to creatively create high quality contents. The more quality contents.
The more quality contents you post and create, the more trust you gain from people. In other words, content marketing creates credibility. This trust helps you to build loyal customers. There is a personal reach that is made possible through consistent content creation.
It is not just about the content; it is about the quality of the contents the content you create either builds more valuable relationships or erodes it. Customers want to relate with you on a more personal level.
The once overlooked need for relationship is now the core of content marketing. It is not just about creating contents. It is about building relationships.
4. Content marketing is a creative strategy to win your competitors
Check out this illustration; in a certain industry, there are Firm A, Firm B and Firm C. If Firm A creates high quality contents that engage with their target audience, prospective customers will most likey choose to buy from Firm A.
This is how Firm A creatively wins over from Firm B and Firm C. Content marketing gives a winning edge for any firm that does it strategically. Winning over competitors directly means an increased customer base, an increased sales and an increased revenue and profit.
5. Content Marketing is universal
One interesting feature about content marketing is its versatility. Irrespective of the industry you belong, there are quality contents that you can produce and dish out to your target audience.
6. Content Marketing Attracts
Content marketing is very effective in attracting prospective customers who are interested in the solutions your service or product can provide to them. People hate marketers. People hate to be sold to.
However, they love to brands and businesses that offer services and products solutions that solves their problems. One content marketing does is that it attracts people without annoying them.
7. Content Marketing guarantees long-term audience
Content Marketing guarantees long-term audience. If every relationship of your customers with your business is about complains, kudos and query, you may never be able to keep a long-term relationship with them.
This is why it is important that you create contents that brings clarity to some issues, doubts, questions and fears that they may have.
One of the great advantages of content marketing is that it is able to generate new followers and convert visitors into long-term audience.
This means is that the newer followers you get, the wider you chance of reach and the stronger your customer base.
8. Content Marketing help the purchasing decisions of your prospective customers
One of the reasons why everyone is obsessed with content marketing is because of its potency to influence the purchasing decisions of a prospective customer.
Your prospects need to be well informed and guided before they can decide whether or not to buy from you.
9. Contents can be reused severally
One of the reasons why many people are obsessed with content marketing is because it can be reused in diverse ways.
You can twist your contents into downloadable PDFs, videos, slideshows, infoguides and infographics. There are several creative ways of reusing any content.
10. Content Marketing improves customer’s experience
Not only must you make your contents personalized, educative and entertaining, you must ensure that it creates your customers like it. If your content marketing is not improving your customer’s experience, then you are not doing it well.
Don’t wait till it becomes too late before you join the moving train.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant