Have you ever attended a party where some people ate extra plates of food and even took some food and drinks home, yet you were sitting down salivating hoping that the servers will bring food to you?
This was what happened to me at one wedding event I attended some time ago. They served us pounded yam but they never brought soup. It was the second time I would be experiencing such. Thank God I ate before going.
The most annoying part is that there was excess food and drinks yet many of the guests went back with empty stomachs. The celebrants felt shameful to hear that some of their guests who took out time to honour their event received poor hospitality.
There was almost nothing they could do to compensate the guests other than to apologize. This embarrassing scenario could have been avoided if only an event planner was brought into the organization of the event.
This is how many people behave towards their finances. They feel consulting a Personal Finance Coach to help them organize their financial life is an expense. “After all, it’s my money and I can do whatsoever I like with it”.
Most of the financial stress you are going through today could have been avoided if only you consulted a Money Expert.
Speaking up does not mean that you are a failure, it means that you are wise enough to realize that your financial situation is putting you under stress.
- To give you accurate information
In a generation where you are being bombarded with information, especially from social media, one needs to filter every piece of information before using it.
There are so many social media influencers with the blue tick symbol dishing out wrong financial advice to their gullible followers. All you need is one wrong counsel to mess up your financial life.
Your bank manager is not a Personal Finance Coach. Don’t go to him to complain about your financial problems. He is as clueless as you are. His job is to solve your bank issues, not your money issues.
2. To find the missing link
A problem shared with the right person is a problem solved. Sometimes, you find yourself in a financial mess because of the suggestions of family, and friends who are as financially ignorant as you are. The blind cannot lead the blind.
Interestingly, most of your financial problems cannot be identified by you or those close to you.
This is where a Personal Finance Coach comes in. To find the missing link and to help you navigate every potential obstacle in your finances.
3. To answer all your money questions
A Personal Finance Coach helps you to develop practical steps to increase your income, manage your money and grow your investment.
A Personal Finance Coach helps you to answer every question that has to do with your money and investment, irrespective of how many they are or how silly you think they may sound.
As much as having savings is a good money habit, it takes a Personal Finance Coach to help you know when you are saving too much or being too hard on yourself.
4. To prevent financial stress
The rate of suicide is alarming. The Third Mainland Bridge has become the first option for suicidal people. They see jumping off the bridge as the easiest way to commit suicide.
Financial stress is the leading cause of suicide. Studies show that money stress can make people 20 times more likely to commit suicide.
People become financially distressed when their debts become too overwhelming to manage. Some people attempt suicide after losing hugely to Ponzi schemes.
Jobless and homeless people can feel hopeless and have financial stress.
5. To strategize a solution
Prevention is better than cure. Before things go south, seek the help of a Money Expert. Most times, what feels or seems like a hopeless and helpless situation is not. You just need someone to help you strategize and come up with a way forward.
6. To serve as a support system
From experience with several clients, I have discovered that what most people who find it difficult to manage their finances need is a support system and financial education more than a bailout.
7. To help you gain clarity
When it comes to your financial goals, clarity is key. Many people are confused. They only know that they need money, they do not why and how. How can you achieve a goal you have no clarity about?
8. To keep you focused on your financial goals
A financial coach takes a holistic view of your financial situation and aligns your present reality with your financial goals.
He also acts as an accountability partner to help ensure that you stay on track to meet these goals and evaluate your progress to keep you focused.
9. To help you stay disciplined
If you earn a decent living but do not have the discipline to save, you need a Personal Finance Advisor. If your salary is always dead-on-arrival, you need financial counsel.
If you find it difficult to prepare a monthly budget and stick to it, you need financial help.
When you hit a huge amount of money before you are tempted to buy a new pair of shoes or the latest iPhone, consult your financial coach first. Do not allow your emotions from derailing your long-term financial success.
10. To guide your investment decisions
If you are not sure if you have adequate savings to take care of yourself in retirement, speak to a Money Expert today.
If you are afraid to invest your money or you do not know when, where, and how to invest your money, a Personal Finance Coach will guide you.
Like a therapist, you need to meet with your Finance Coach weekly or biweekly, depending on the agreement.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant