Aliko Dangote is powerful not because he has access to huge capital, but because of his political history. If you want to go far in business, you need to be involved in some politics.
Dangote is a brand, but Aliko Dangote is a politician. He funds the campaign of many African presidents. It is called the Politics of Business.
What he does not have, he can never give you. He comes from a wealthy family with a strong political history, yet he claims that he started from the scratch. Aliko Dangote, teach me something else but not how to raise capital for my business.
According to Wikipedia, Aliko Dangote’s Uncle was the wealthiest man in West Africa as at the time of his death in 1955.
₦500,000 in 1977 is not a scratch. In case you don’t know, ₦500,000 in 1977 can buy 100 Mercedes Benz cars. Calculate the current value of that ₦500,000 and tell me how many entrepreneurs today in Africa started with that kind of capital.
₦350 million is the current value of ₦500,000 of 1977. Even as at now, ₦500,000 for an average entrepreneur in Africa is a little above scratch. If you dreamt of becoming like Aliko Dangote, please sleep again.
Do you have an uncle that can loan you ₦350 million? Ok! Do you have an uncle that can loan you ₦500,000? Ok! Do you have an uncle that can loan you ₦350,000? Ok! Do you even have an uncle?
If your dream is to become like Aliko Dangote, please wake up. The reality of many African entrepreneurs today is that we Start Small, Dream Big, but Remain Small.
There are many potential Dangotes today with beautiful business plans and ideas that may never see the light of the day. There are many potential Dangotes today selling boxers on their WhatsApp status.
There are many potential Dangotes today selling bread and akara in OUI roundabout. There are many potential Dangotes today selling sausage roll and bottle water on the Third Mainland Bridge. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS HARDER FOR THE POOR AND POWERLESS.
I know you are passionate about entrepreneurship and business, but if your passion cannot pay your bills at the moment, please put it on hold for now. Go and make money. Go and get a job. Then, come back to pick up your passion. Nigeria is real!
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant