Why do broke people continue to hate the rich for living a good life? Why do poor people try to make rich people feel bad for acquiring what they can afford?
Why do broke people often feel the urge to dictate to those who work hard to earn their money how to spend it?
If a rich man teaches a poor man what it takes to be rich, he will prefer to remain poor. If all the wealthy people in the world donate all their earnings to the poor, within a decade, many of the beneficiaries will be back in poverty.
Once a millionaire is not always a millionaire. It is easier to take a man from poverty, but it is hard to take poverty away from a man. It takes continuous financial education to unlock the poverty from his mind.
The person who says, “How I spend my money is nobody’s business. Let me enjoy today; tomorrow will take care of itself” is as uneducated as the one who says, “If only I can make more money, I will never be broke again.”
If this sounds like you, you are the roadblock to your financial freedom. Financial ignorance is the termite drilling holes in your pockets, not your village people. More money will not solve the problem caused by poor management.
Death does not come with a siren. You cannot wait till you have all the money you desire before you decide to be happy.
This masterpiece in your hand will guide and show you proven ways to block every financial leak that is sinking your life.
Let me show you how to enjoy life without financial pressure and be debt-free even when the economy is tough. In this book (ENJOY LIFE, STAY RICH), I will teach you why the rich gets richer and the foolish gets poorer.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant