Every day, I am confronted by several young entrepreneurs who ask me if they should quit school to work on their ventures.
My response is almost always the same. “If you are in school without a reason, you are not better than those who dropped out of school without a reason.”
Our doctors and lawyers cannot afford to be dropouts but many entrepreneurs have excelled by doing just that. Nevertheless, is this enough reason for entrepreneurs to quit or skip school?
The media may not tell you that for every successful entrepreneur who was a dropout, there are millions of entrepreneurial failures out there full of regrets.
For every Zuckerberg who dropped out, there are hundreds who wish they had stayed back in school. No be every dropout wey dey hustle dey finally make am for business.
School is a platform for self-development. For some of us, school was the platform where we discovered our skills and passions.
It is a fertile ground for launching your talents, skills and business before you get to practice them in the work environment.
Go to school because you need to develop yourself and discover your talent. It is an environment for you to be a better version of who you were yesterday.
It affords you a chance to satisfy your curiosity by exploring areas of interest.
In school, you do not only learn what you want to do with your life but also what you do not want to do. Once, you enter the work world, you no longer have that luxury of time and flexibility to explore.
Go to school and get more than a degree. If you are in school with the intent of bagging a good paying job only, then you are the real scam.
School na scam is the biggest scam in this generation.
1. It is almost impossible to graduate from school absolutely clueless with nothing reasonable to offer to the world outside, unless you went to school primarily for fun.
2. There is a form of enlightenment that comes to an individual in school no matter how little it may be.
3. School is not meant to take away your family afflictions. Going to school does not translate to financial success. School is not structured to make you rich.
It is structured to make you enlightened. It is your duty to make a fortune out of it. School is not a scam. You only had some unrealistic expectations.
4. Our schools are essentially providing answers to old questions, whereas the economy is asking new questions.
If your school is not giving you enough of what is needed to thrive out there or to be an outlier in the society, please go an extra mile to get it.
You literally have to go the extra mile to seek relevant knowledge that meets the current market demand.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant