I was standing at the junction of the road, waiting for Tobi. It was my matriculation day at Obafemi Awolowo University in 2015. My mates were getting prepared to enter into Amphitheatre with their matriculation gowns. Parents were trouping in through Road 1 of the university.
Prior to that day, while everyone was thinking about how they will celebrate, take pictures and enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime event, I was busy thinking about how I was going to make money from that event.
I had learnt event photography but I had no camera yet. I remembered Oloyede Tobi – my photographer friend whom I met during our UTME tutorials. He had moved to UNIPORT. However, he was the only option I had who could lend me his camera.
I reached an agreement with Tobi to rent his camera for that day. I agreed to pay his transport fare to and fro Port Harcourt to Ile-Ife. It was a big risk. I was also a fresher who was matriculating that same day. Besides, I have never done any photography business in Ile-Ife. I did not know if I would succeed. I was even told that the Association of Photographers in Ile-Ife may harass me and even seize the camera. I was really scared. But I had no option. I must at least pay for Tobi’s transportation.
While the matriculation session was going on inside the hall batch by batch, I was busy making money. I even used my matric gown for students who wanted to take pictures but had no gown. I beat my price so down that it attracted the ‘union’ guys. I was their major competitor that day.
They threatened to seize the camera and drag me to the Division of Students’ Affairs. Everyone who was around me pleaded to them to pardon me. I also showed them my student ID card to prove to them that I was not really an outsider.
My elder brother who showed up for my matric met me taking pictures and surprisingly he helped me to convince more people. Tobi also joined me to convince more freshers to patronize us. Mehn…we made money. I paid Tobi for his transport and rent. I had more money for myself. That was the first business I ever did on OAU Campus.
After the whole sèrèrè, I went to submit my matriculation oath to the Faculty Secretary. I did not step my feet into that hall for a second.
Dear, risk has been built into my DNA. I live by taking risk. I live my life every day like a wolf. I believe that everything is possible.
Although, sometimes I fail and sometimes I succeed. However, whenever I fail, I don’t sit and cry, I stand and try again. In this entrepreneurial journey, there is no giving up. I have just two options in life; it’s either I succeed or I die trying.
In business, if you don’t venture anything, you can never gain anything. Why are you afraid of starting, trying or failing? Listen, for every debit, there is usually a corresponding credit. In business, you do not lose. You either win or learn. For every loss you incur, there is usually a corresponding lesson to be learnt.
Life is a constant process of trial and error. Don’t exaggerate your failure and don’t settle for mediocrity. Whenever you fail, bury your past quickly and move ahead, no need for a prolonged burial ceremony. I do not guarantee that you will succeed if you strive harder, but I can guarantee that you will never succeed if you give up now.
Today, the event photography business has taken me to places. My first flight ever was solely as a result of photography. I have stood before kings and queens of high places. I have successfully trained 10 other guys in the business of photography.
I am not the best event photographer in Nigeria, I am just an amateur who has refused to give up. I am still going places. This is just the beginning.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant