Becoming a business consultant with a track record of significant successes has been an uphill battle.
On several occasions, I was broke and penniless that I had to take some loan from friends and even from the Branch App. I borrowed money to buy books, attend trainings, and enrolled in some courses.
I also hosted several masterclasses and skill acquisition programmes for free. I offered free business consultations.
I spoke at several events without charging a dime. Although, it was my own strategy of gaining audience and becoming a trusted authority, these were my own sacrifices and contributions to humanity.
My being sound today is not a product of giveaway. I paid through my nose. I did not get it freely, so don’t expect me to give it out freely.
If after putting all my years of experience, knowledge gleaned from trainings and books and taking my time and hard-earned money to publish a book, yet you are begging for a free copy. Haba!
If you think I am loaded enough to meet your needs, please do not come to me empty handed.
If you cannot think and solve your business-related problems yourself, then you must be ready to pay people who can do that for you.
When you drain someone of their physical and mental energy for free, you are taking away the time that could have been used for something else. By so doing, you become an unprofitable distraction.
There are many eBooks in your mailbox that you have never opened simply because you got them for free.
When family and friends pay, they will appreciate it; but when they get it for free, they will always feel entitled and downplay it.
If you continue giving your products and services to your friends and families for free, you will soon be out of business.
If your family and friends want excellent products and services, they should learn to support your excellent work by making sure that they pay for it.
By so doing, it shows that they are willing to invest in your long-term business success.
If your family and friends have been psychologically conditioned to receiving free stuffs, it is time to speak to them in the language they understand. Time na money.
If they want any special consultations, or enquiry; as long as it will require you to pause and lend a portion of your time, they will have to pay.
If you feel guilty whenever you turn down a family or friend who has asked you for free products and services, think about this; you have responsibilities and commitments too.
You have bills to pay too. You need money! You pay for knowledge. You pay your employees. You pay for utilities to operate your business daily.
You have invested heavily in your business, let the returns start coming in. “Thank you, God bless” no dey buy food for market.
Unless you are led to help or give a discount, don’t sell your product or services for free. You are building a business, not running a charity foundation. So, business is business.
Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant