When it comes to creating super unique content, Sterling Bank is nobody’s mate in this Africa. I say it with my full chest.
Beyond the controversial “Like Agege Bread, He Rose,” with the quality of content Sterling Bank pushes out consistently, you can be sure that this is not the handwork of a graphic designer only.
If you really want to stand out from the millions of junk contents and have significant returns for your investment on social media, you need to start posting unique content consistently.
Don’t be a copycat on social media. Sometimes, those you are copying are as clueless as you are. Besides, your business may need a different or better strategy appropriate for your audience.
Because you saw other businesses posted content for the Christmas season, you quickly called your Graphic Designer, “Muniru, I need a design quickly to post for Christmas.” No be so.
It does not work out that way. The best Muniru can do for you is to use your brand colour and insert some texts or images of Santa Claus or a Christmas tree. Lobatan!
I can confidently tell you that the creative team at Sterling Bank spends months drafting its contents. They try different ideas before coming up with mind-blowing content. Anything quality takes time.
David Oligilvy wrote one of the best adverts ever for Rolls-Royce. “At 60 miles per hour, the loudest noise in this Rolls-Royce comes from the electric shock.”
It took three weeks of intensive study to come up with this 16-word advert. E shock you?
Lazy content creators and sharp sharp graphic designers like Muniru do not get this kind of result. The creative industry demands that you think outside the box. Creative works are not done hurriedly.
Creating content is not the responsibility of your graphic designer. You need a content creator.
The best Muniru would have done for Rolls-Royce was to make use of a coloured background and the logo of Roll-Royce with something like “Buy a Rolls-Royce today.”
Being creative with content is not the same as being a good graphic designer.
Munirus can design anything just to make quick money from you. But they can never give you a unique and compelling content. Wetin concern agbero with overload?
Content is King, and Content Creators Are Kingmakers. If your content cannot catch the attention of your audience, you are wasting money.
There are so many Munirus out there calling themselves brand strategists because they can design a logo, business card and use mockups.
There is more to branding than graphic designs. The logos and mockups are only the visual representation of your contents; they are not the core of branding.
A brand strategist defines the kind of language or tone to be used. A content creator conveys the marketing message in this tone. While the graphics designer makes the message visually appealing.
If your brand strategist gets it right, your content creator will flow in that direction, while your graphics designer will be able to come up with a visual representation for your social media manager and digital marketer. It’s a value chain. It is a hierarchy.
There must be synergy between your brand strategy, content creation and graphic design.
If your brand strategy is not well defined, your content creators will be drafting a different message and your graphic designer will be designing a totally different visual. Guess who gets the blame eventually? The social media manager.
It is only confused businesses that hire a social media manager who can create content and design graphics too, with a knowledge of digital marketing. Haba! No be juju be that? You are not cutting cost; you are wasting money.
If you are very observant, you will discover that most GT Banks do not have gates.
It is an intentional branding strategy that shows that GTB is open, accessible, and walk-in for everybody. No class! No discrimination! The GTB brand strategist defines this for the building architects. Interesting!
In the building industry, the architect defines for the builders to build. But in the creative industry, the brand strategist DEFINES, the content creator DEVELOPS and the graphics person DESIGNS.
A graphic designer is NOT a brand strategist. A graphic designer is NOT a content creator. A content creator is NOT a social media manager. A social media manager is NOT a digital marketer.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant