I started teaching in 2011 – the same year I graduated from secondary school. I’ve taught in several schools; private and public, full time and part time, primary and secondary, paid and volunteering.
I was also a Sunday School teacher in the children department at one RCCG parish.
From “A for Apple” to “Markovnikov’s Rule of Addition Reaction”. Name it! I have spent my early youthful days as a classroom teacher.
In March 2019, I was called to prepare a boy for a very competitive entrance examination. Following history and standard of the examination, I knew that it was not going to be an easy feat.
With every passing day, the fear of his parents increased. I had just two months to prepare the boy. Yea! He passed all phases of the examination. He came 6th out of over 250 candidates.
Keep quiet! Who told you that there’s no money in teaching? Teaching, training and consulting is very lucrative. The market is a very big one. We are in a knowledge economy. Coaches are one of the top paid guys today.
By teaching, I was able to raise capital to start my business during my undergraduate days. I may not have the professional certificate required of a teacher, but I have the skills.
There is money in teaching and coaching if you can add some flavor of entrepreneurship to your skills.
If you can teach with premium simplicity and break down technical jargons into easy-to-understand form, you are gonna make it big.
Find your niche and grow there. You have what it takes. Stop loitering around. What you have within you is able to produce what you need around you. Stop the blame game! Stop the entitlement mentality.
Acquire skills and learn how to commercialize them. You can never be poor. Don’t underestimate your skills.
Market your skills shamelessly. Don’t be shy, because nobody will feed you. Hunger is no respecter of person.
Swallow your pride and hustle your way through legitimately. There’s no dignity in always been at the mercies of families and friends.
If you cannot teach, there is something else you can do so well. Some of the skills in high demand include Artificial Intelligence, Business Analysis, Product Management, Blockchain Technology and many more.
Many a time, I was punished thoroughly for making the top list of noisemakers in my class. I still have some childhood scars on my body.
I’ve gotten myself into trouble for talking and I have gotten myself out of trouble by talking. I’ve made great connections from talking.
Even if you are not naturally skilled, through constant practice you can be a pro. Great speakers are not born, they are made. I’m still learning to speak better every day,
Talk is not cheap especially when it is garnished with insights. Gradually, l came to understand that I just needed to be more knowledgeable and charismatic on stage. Reading books on public speaking and watching so many TEDx videos on YouTube has helped me to improve greatly.
Today, I have spoken on many platforms across Nigeria inspiring, training and helping others to find meaning for their lives and businesses, with one-third of my life spent speaking, training and teaching diverse topics.
Speaking to people everyday has become a huge part of my life. It pays my bills. This is why I invest heavily in knowledge.
Think about what you can do for free, package it and do it for a fee. Don’t die in poverty when there are people who are ready to pay you for your skills.
© Kingsley Ndimele
Your Reliable Consultant